Research 2023 .:. Go Up
Kelly Nguyen's research on the effect of stretch distance on rubber band range
Ben Wyland's research on the effect of salinity on index of refraction
Reyne Miller's research on the effect of distance on the strength of a magnetic field generated by a solenoid
Cooper Manning's research on the effect of strike position on the speed of a golf ball
Rafael Ojeda-Tellez's research on the effect of cantilever distance on frequency of vibration
Keean Balsiger's research on the effect of reservoir height on the rotational speed of a water wheel
Callie Barker's research on the effect of temperature on the viscosity of corn syrup
Nick Molau's research on the effect of air pressure on air cannon range
Atlas Jimenez-Sprague's research on the effect of pull back distance on the range of a marble
Alexis Ruiz-Cortes's research on the effect of distance from a magnet on the magnetic field strength
Ben Mangum's research on the effect of air pressure on air cannon range
Jonah Beddes's research on the effect of temperature on resistance of a wire
Cohen Velazquez's research on the effect of air pressure on basketball rebound height
Caleb Singh's research on the effect of discharge time on the internal resistance of a battery
Ava Wittman's research on the effect of distance from a wire on the magnetic field strength
Brandon Dupreez's research on the effect of bounce height on the time it takes for a ping pong ball to bounce five times
Eric Blaettler's research on the effect of elapsed time on the height of water in a container with a hole in it