Research 2007 .:. Go Up

Kaetlin Kwiecien and Eric Dauenhauer's research on drum head resonance


Julia Kim and Sarah Linder's research on wave speed and water depth

Tony Wong, Jason Broome and Mitch Thaler's research on Fire Velocity

Jason Sandvik and Kyle Johnson's research on the sweet spot of a putter

Tiffany Gould and Hilary Titus on Flames and resonance

Brian Grambow, Justin Recore, and Amelia Sires's research on Air Cannon Range vs Pressure

Collin Turner and Grant Pederson's research on Trebuchet Launch Velocity vs Counterweight Mass


Molly Winterrowd and Cara Druse's research on approach angle vs Range of a Soccer Ball

Seth Jenkins, Neil LaTourette and Brendan Liverman's research on Hot Dog conductivity vs Cook Time

Brad Allworth's Research on Golf Ball Rebound vs Temperature

Aaron Baker and Leighann VanCleef's Research on PhotoCell output vs brightness

Alyssa Vaughan, Juliet Ben-Jumbo and Kathrine Miller's research on Gauss Rifle Magnet Spacing

Kyle Carpenter and David Torbeck's Research on Trebuchet Arm Ratio and Range


Lacey Bruske and Will Lambeth's Research on Scattering and Angle

Garrett MacCracken, Tauna Soderquist and Ben Wilson's Research on Particle Size and Static Electricity Deposition

Jeff Wheeler, Jeff Matarrese, and Brandon Glissmeyer's Research on Bending it Like Beckham

Brad Christopherson and Sam Preston's Research on the Sweet Spot of a Bat

Jacqueline Lacy's Research on Waterfall Oscillations and Air Space

Jarad van Schaik and Tom Dement's the Ability of Wind to Knock Objects Over

Katt May's Research on Voice and Sound Localization