Research 2017 .:. Go Up
Elijah Shumway, Michael Wood, and Catherine Hancock's research on the effect of air pressure on cannon velocity
Fumika Mizuno, Nicole Arnan, and Rachel McWhirter's research on the effect of water volume on the pitch of a singing wine glass
Camryn Gray's research into the effect of temperature on the spring constant of plastic springs
Jordan Brown, Dan Loeffler, Cosmo D'Aquila and Huy Tang's research on the effect of drop height on the rebound height
Felicia Zhang's research on the effect of consonant chords on reverberation time of a piano
Spencer Curzon's research on the effect of roof height and pitch on the ground impact force
Kaitlyn Haudbine, Denali Webber and Jordan Maddox's research on the effect of the size of the hole in the side of a bucket, and the time it takes half the water to empty
Faaiq Waqar's research on the effect of projectile mass on the initial velocity of a trebuchet projectile
Emma Borg's research on the effect of the amount of water in a water rocket on the launch velocity
Nick Stevens' research on the constructive and destructive interference patterns in a microwave oven
Andre Zhu's research on the effect of air pressure on the launch velocity of an air cannon
James Gardner's research on the effect of ambient air temperature on the pitch of a guitar.
Kate Intile's research on the effect of Running Pace on the force exerted by the foot
Sabian Limones and Allan George's research on the effect of dilution on the time it takes corn syrup to flow