Grant Collins and Colin Nishitani's Research on Using Sound to Extinguish

Tylden van Eeden, Rachel Coyle and Connie Rae Shobaken's research on

Matt Albertson and Jeff Jansen's research on Rolling Friction

Charlie Ford and Travis Gamache's research on the Regelation of Ice

Chris Newberry's research on the effect of Voltage on Sound Output of a
Piezo buzzer

Marci Stucki and Callie Russell's research on Microwave Energy Distribution

Dylan Scott and Kevin Kern's research on the effect of Inflation Pressure on
the Rebound of a Basketball

Jordan Barendse and Matt Makarowsky's research on the effect of
Counterweight Mass on the Range of a Trebuchet

Hanna Points, Rachel Furman and Devon Frazier's research on the effect of
Temperature on the Elasticity of a Rubber Band

Dennis Ranck, Jordan Dwight, and Woody Toms's research on the effect of
Surface Type on Rebound of a Football

Jeff Newgard and Brian Gedrose's research on the effect of Mass on the
Acceleration of a Car

Matt Losli and Matt Gregson's research on the effect of Angle on Range of a
Pitching Machine

Cally Kamiya, Jeremy Johnson, and Brock Tillotson's research on the effect
of Rolling Friction on Hot Wheels Cars

Tommy Nelson, David Graf, and Devon Schiller's research on the effect of
Launch Angle on the Range of a Paintball Gun

Will Dai and Jeff Haase's research on the effect of Air Friction on an Air
Rocket Launched at Different Angles

Anne Spackman, Lauren Cummings, and Anna Peterson's research on the effect
of Timbre on Sound Localization

Scott Shump, Sam Sutherland, Patrick Kubisiak and Kevin McNaught's Research
on the effect of Propane Balloon size on Light Output

James Rivas and Stuart Legg's research on the effect of Potato Mass on
Launch Velocity in a Potato Cannon

Justin Ross, Laura Romrell, and Griffin Harger's research on the effect of
Water amount and Air Pressure on Launch Velocity

Kristin Light and Sara Packard's research on the effect of Counterweight
Mass on Range of a Trebuchet

Greg Hansen and Andrew Larson's research on the effect of Spin on Basketball
Free Throws

Ryan Chau and Matt Wisler's research on the effect of Frequency on Sound
Attenuation over Distance

Erica Brabeck and Erin Connelly's research on the effect of Projectile Mass
on the Range of a Trebuchet

Amrit Murthy and Greg Schockelt's research on the effect of Counterweight
Mass on Trebuchet Range

Ben Andrew's research on the effect of Choke Size on Shot Scatter in

Zach Edwards and Albin Ljunghusen's research on the effect of Fuel Quantity
on the Range of a Combustion Cannon |