Rebecca Albertson, Nathan Gardner, and
Becka Kasten's research on the effect of Corn Syrup on the Frequency of
Wine Glass Resonance

Austin Arizala, Jasmine Eberhard and
Nathan Love's research on the effect of Velocity on the Force of Eddy
Current Damping

Jessica Blank, Jena Hughes, and
Jennifer Jenks's research on Hovercraft Design

Stevie Cade, Anaiis Mendez, and Lizzie
Bellows's research on the effect of Volume and Sugar Concentration on
Wine Glass Resonance

Naoki Minato, Andrei Flores, and Jim
Shen's research on the effect of Ramp Length and Velocity

Sara Ulrich, Adrianna Stone, and Kelsey
Dimm's research on the effect of Release Height on Impact Crater Depth

Grant Hughes, Alison Stone, Tegan
Valo, and Laurel Van de Hey's research on the effect of Projectile Mass
on Slingshot Range

Cory Robbins, Jack Furlong,
Juliana Porter, Richard Soteros, and Sean Blice's research on the effect
of Temperature on Rubber Ball Bounce Height

Ben paul, Evan Kaeding, Jarod
Peters, and Sean Harrison's research on the effect of Impact Angle on
Rebound Velocity of Ping Pong Balls

Tony Terjeson, Aaron Scherer,
Matias Silvestre, and Josh Jesser's research on Ping Pong ball Mass vs
Terminal Velocity

Brody Richter, Dylan Moore,
Kevin Connelly, Brady Brajavich, and Brad Barrow's research on the
effect of Number of Mentos on Diet Cola Geyser Height |