Alex Schrimp, Tracie Allan, Caitlyn Hunsdon, and Sarah
Smurthwaite's research on the effect of drop height on the coefficient
of restitution of a bouncy ball |

Anke Scheller, Jose Barragan, Bona
Kim, and Ashley Thiessen's research on the effect of frequency on sound
attenuation |

Rachel Bruce, Kathleen Shangraw, and Via Flores's research on soccer
ball trajectories |

Anu Rajendran, Lauren Janes, and Amanda Hermens research on the effect
of heat on rubber band spring constant |

Blake Arellano, Kelley Schiller, and Austin Smith's research on the
effect of draw length on arrow velocity |

Ian Harrison, Johnny Wirtz, and John Pride's research on the effect of
sling type and counterweight mass on trebuchet range |

Jered Richter, Laura Houlberg, Dayna Kam, and Aubrey West's research on
number of mentos, and diet coke geyser height |

Molly Baker, Kris Grambow, Julianne Zienkiewicz, and Chris Torgeson's
research on the effect of sugar concentration on index of refraction |

Brandon Gould, Matt Kasten, Dylan Ivanish, and Eric Parr's research on
the effect of drop height on water displacement |

Adrian Lucas, Minna Kim and Chris Brewer's research on the effect of
heating coil power on efficiency |

Justin Ratto's research on the effect of frequency on diffraction angle |

Evan Pinckard and Grant Gholston's research on battery discharge |

Cameron Stahl, Erik Green, Thomas O'Donovan, and Max Marlett's research
on rotation rate in front and back flips |

Kevin Stephenson and Ashley Hofer's research on temperature and rate of
evaporative mass transfer |

Riley Watts, Joe Pozo, Rowdy Pizer, and Amanda Meyer's research on the
effect of counterweight on catapult launch velocity |

Peter Oliver, Austen Henson, and Corey Cushing's research on the force
curves of recurve and compound bows |