Research 2010 .:. Go Up

Alex Schrimp, Tracie Allan, Caitlyn Hunsdon, and Sarah Smurthwaite's research on the effect of drop height on the coefficient of restitution of a bouncy ball


Anke Scheller, Jose Barragan, Bona Kim, and Ashley Thiessen's research on the effect of frequency on sound attenuation


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Rachel Bruce, Kathleen Shangraw, and Via Flores's research on soccer ball trajectories


Anu Rajendran, Lauren Janes, and Amanda Hermens research on the effect of heat on rubber band spring constant


Blake Arellano, Kelley Schiller, and Austin Smith's research on the effect of draw length on arrow velocity


Ian Harrison, Johnny Wirtz, and John Pride's research on the effect of sling type and counterweight mass on trebuchet range


Jered Richter, Laura Houlberg, Dayna Kam, and Aubrey West's research on number of mentos, and diet coke geyser height


Molly Baker, Kris Grambow, Julianne Zienkiewicz, and Chris Torgeson's research on the effect of sugar concentration on index of refraction


Brandon Gould, Matt Kasten, Dylan Ivanish, and Eric Parr's research on the effect of drop height on water displacement


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Adrian Lucas, Minna Kim and Chris Brewer's research on the effect of heating coil power on efficiency


Justin Ratto's research on the effect of frequency on diffraction angle


Evan Pinckard and Grant Gholston's research on battery discharge


Cameron Stahl, Erik Green, Thomas O'Donovan, and Max Marlett's research on rotation rate in front and back flips


Kevin Stephenson and Ashley Hofer's research on temperature and rate of evaporative mass transfer


Riley Watts, Joe Pozo, Rowdy Pizer, and Amanda Meyer's research on the effect of counterweight on catapult launch velocity


Peter Oliver, Austen Henson, and Corey Cushing's research on the force curves of recurve and compound bows