Evaporation Rate of Water 

and it's relation to 


Tony Cintron Jr.








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Background and Review of Related Literature


        The Kinetic Theory of Matter is the assumption that particles of matter in any state are in constant, vigorous motion and that this motion generates heat, and the theory also describes phase changes (Liboff, KT: CQRD; MG-H Encyc.)


        Evaporation is the process in which molecules on or very near the surface of a liquid gains enough speed to enter the gaseous state (“Evaporation, Wikipedia”). However, there are strong attractive forces between liquid molecules, so if one leaves the surface, the forces draw it back in, unless its kinetic energy, i.e.: speed and heat, is high enough (Corey, Physics…) In other words, the process removes molecules of the highest kinetic energy from the surface, and leaves behind those with lower KE, and therefore, a cooler liquid (MacMillan Encyc.), although the effect applies to organisms as well. In even simpler terms, evaporation is cooling process.


The Problem


        My problem is to try to figure out, for myself, some formula pertaining to the effect temperature has on the rate of evaporation of dihydrogen monoxide. I chose this subject for two reasons;

1-     I wanted to know for my own sake because the water in my aquarium seems to evaporate pretty quickly, and I’d like to know if I can do anything about it without freezing my fish (I know this will probably be more trouble than it’s worth).

2-      Crawfish Power Output” probably wouldn’t have worked out too well…




        My hypothesis is that the rate of evaporation will increase along with temperature (surprise surprise…) and that I will not find any kind of accurate (or good) formula for this without involving surface area and surface tension as well (these are other factors in the existing formula.)


        Although including surface area wouldn’t be a problem, as I’m going to use the same container throughout the project, so the only thing I have to worry about is temperature (like do I preheat the hotplate and then put the beaker of water on it or do I heat the plate with the beaker already present?)



Materials and Method:

-A hotplate (a)                                                      

-A beaker (b)                                                         

-150 ml of water (c)                                                                        

-A computer (d)                 

-Logger Pro program (e)

-A Data probe (f)

-A Precision balance (scale) (g)             


-First, the weight was taken of the beaker with the probe in it

-Then water was added in and the whole thing was set on the hotplate and left to boil.

-When the water was boiling, the experiment was moved from the hotplate to the scale, and the initial weight and temperature were recorded.

-The Logger program took temperature readings every 100 seconds, and I took weight readings every 300 seconds. This went on for 3900 seconds.


Data (in text format) In Excel

                                                Time in sec              Temp in C                               Wgt total in kg        Wgt Water in kg

                                                0                              67.223                                     0.43505                   0.15189

                                                100                          62.778                                    

                                                200                          58.334                                     0.43193                   0.14877

                                                300                          54.445                    

                                                400                          51.389                    

                                                500                          50.556                                     0.43                         0.14684

                                                600                          48.334                    

                                                700                          44.445                    

                                                800                          42.5                                         0.42897                   0.14581

                                                900                          40.834                    

                                                1000                        39.445                    

                                                1100                        39.167                                     0.42824                   0.14508

                                                1200                        37.222                    

                                                1300                        36.667                    

                                                1400                        35                                            0.42771                   0.14455

                                                1500                        34.722                    

                                                1600                        34.167                    

                                                1700                        32.778                                     0.4273                     0.14414

                                                1800                        34.167                    

                                                1900                        31.667                    

                                                2000                        31.667                                     0.42698                   0.14382

                                                2100                        30.833                    

                                                2200                        30.556                    

                                                2300                        30                                            0.42674                   0.14358

                                                2400                        29.722                    

                                                2500                        29.445                    

                                                2600                        29.167                                     0.42649                   0.14333

                                                2700                        31.945                    

                                                2800                        28.333                    

                                                2900                        28.333                                     0.42635                   0.14319

                                                3000                        26.945                    

                                                3100                        30.556                    

                                                3200                        27.222                                     0.42621                   0.14305

                                                3300                        28.889                    

                                                3400                        26.667                    

                                                3500                        30                                            0.42606                   0.1429

                                                3600                        25.833                    

                                                3700                        26.667                    

                                                3800                        26.389                                     0.42595                   0.14279

                                                3900                        29.167                                     0.42591                   0.14275


Data Analysis


Looking at the graph, it’s evident that the rate of evaporation decreases seemingly exponentially as the water cools (this is shown by the water’s weight decreasing).

          Interestingly, the weight appears to increase at several points. I say “appears to” because it obviously isn’t increasing as it evaporates, that would be like heating up an ice cube only to have it expand. The increase in weight is most likely one of the following; vapor condensing on the glass, the probe shifting (this was shown to change the weight), or a combination of both.

Murray's Note - I took his data and subtracted subsequent masses and graphed the rate of mass change with time, versus the temperature.  There seems to be quite a striking relationship.


          As hypothesized, the water was evaporating faster at the higher temperatures, and I found not only no accurate formula, but no formula at all. These were both 99.9% expected results and pretty much speak for themselves.


The experiment may have been more successful had I used a better scale, as the one in the experiment had a maximum weight capacity of one kg so I was very restricted in the amount of water I could work with. This would be a first-priority acquisition were I to repeat this project.


Bibliography and Related Sites


Author unknown “Evaporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”, 27 October, 2004,



Corey, Paul F. Physics: Principles with applications 5th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentince Hall, 1998


MacMillan Encyclopedia of Physics, 1996. Volume 2, “Evaporation”


McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 2002. Volume 9, “Kinetic Theory of Matter”


Liboff, R.L. Kinetic Theory: Classical, Quantum, and Relativistic Description 2nd Edition, 1998