Cross off one: (6:63 - Chapter 6, problem #63) Energy - Energy worksheet, Orbit and Gravity - Orbit and gravity worksheet, CMR - Circular Motion Review sheet from the last day before the test.
Potential energy
Kinetic energy
Force of friction
Force to move up the plane at a constant velocity
Energy: 7, 9, 10
6:31, 63, 75
Kinetic and potential energy (6:1, 17)
Work, time and power (6:63, 58)
Conservation of energy (1 to 1) (Energy:1, 4)
Conservation of energy (1 to 2) (Energy:3, 5, 7)
Conservation of energy (2 to 2) (Energy:8, 9)
Centripetal acceleration (CMR: 1)
Force exerted at the top and bottom of the circle (CMR: 1)
If the force is thus and such, what is the velocity. (Orbit and Gravity:-1, 0), (5:7, 8, 12, 13) (CMR:2, 3)
RPM problem - what is the centripetal acceleration (CMR: 8)
Centripetal force (5:2, 4)
Force of gravity between the moon and the planet (Orbit and Gravity:1, 2a)
Orbital speed/Period of orbit. (Orbit and Gravity:6, 7) (CMR: 5)
Orbit question. (Orbit and Gravity:11) (CMR:6, 7)
Force of gravity question. (Orbit and Gravity:3, 4) (CMR:4)
Orbit lab question - how do you get from orbit to orbit? (Like the Orbit Lab)