Nodal Patterns

And their use to

Manipulate an Object's Location


By: Erik Brady


Introduction | Method | Results | Conclusion | Bibliography | Links | Go Up

My Power Point


Introduction .:. Top



Since the beginning of the human race, man kind has been aware of sound.  As our race progressed, we began to delve deeper into the mechanics behind sound.  It was eventually discovered that what humans hear in the mind is an electrochemical nervous impulse that was converted from the mechanical energy of a sound wave (Assimov).  Sound can travel through gas, liquid or even solids in oscillating patterns called waves.  Sound waves rely on a medium, but do not displace the particles that make up the medium.  The wave travels from particle to particle, and each particle vibrate, knocking into other particles to transmitting the energy interpreted as sound.  Without a medium, sound waves cannot travel, thus sound cannot travel through a vacuum (Sound Waves).  With variance in mediums and sources of sound, the rate at which sound travels varies.  This rate, known as frequency, is the count of how many times per second a complete oscillation is made (Pettersson).  On a vibrating medium, nodes and anti-nodes are formed.  Nodes are areas where there is no movement, and contrariwise, anti-nodes are where the medium is vibrating (Node).


Ernst Florenz Friedrich Chladni (1756-1827) investigated nodes.  By drawing a violin bow across the edge of a two-dimensional plane, causing vibrations throughout this medium.  By sprinkling sand across the surface, he was able to view the nodal patterns.  The sand would concentrate on the nodes, areas where the Chladni plate was not vibrating, forming these nodal patterns that came to be known as Chladni figures.  By changing the location of the clamp holding the plate in place, Chladni achieved patterns.  Further experiments with Chladni plates today project digital frequencies into the plates.  Different frequencies produce different patterns, moving the sand to different locations (Franceschetti).


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether sound waves can be used to visually depict the nodal patterns in a three-dimensional medium and if by manipulate frequency, one can change the location of objects in a three-dimensional area.



I believe that small, light-weight objects, such as Styrofoam beads, can visually depict the nodal patterns in a three-dimensional medium, and that by changing the frequency, thus changing the nodal patterns, the location of these objects can be manipulated.


Due to current evidence that nodal patterns can form on a two-dimensional surface when sound waves are projected into this flat medium, I believe, since often sound travels through three-dimensional mediums that these nodal patterns are possible in a three dimensional medium as well.  If this is possible, then by changing the projected frequency, thus changing the nodal patterns, it should be possible to manipulate the same objects used to visually depict the nodal pattern.



The two variables that will be worked with are the frequency of the sound waves projected into the medium, and the location of the Styrofoam beads within the medium.  The sound frequency is the independent variable and the location of the beads is the dependent variable.


Other variables that will be controlled include the tilt of the tube, which will be kept level.  The temperature of the medium might also have an effect on the results.  The dimensions of the tube will also be kept the same throughout the experiment.  These include the tubeÕs length, thickness and diameter.   Exterior sound will also be kept as silence.



Method .:. Top



Plastic tube, one end open (2 in diameter, 73 in long)

                     To recreate this project, the specifications do not have to be similar

Large Speaker (keyboard amplifier)

Styrofoam cooler (large enough to fit the speaker

  A level

Blocks/Books (Anything to suspend the tube and cooler so that the tube is level)

  A digital tone generator

   Styrofoam beads












To assemble the setup for this experiment, place the speaker inside the cooler, then cut a hole into the side of the cooler parallel with the speakerÕs front approximately even with the center of the speaker.  Fill the tube with the desired quantity of Styrofoam beads, preferably enough that they can be evenly space throughout the tube in a medium quantity, and gently feed the open end of the tube into this hole.  Using the blocks or books, support the tube and/or cooler and use the level to determine when the tube is perfectly level.


Plug the speaker into a power source, and into the digital tone generator.  In my case, I used a laptop connected to the internet, using ÒThe Seventh String Tuning ForkÓ found at


Try a variety of frequencies to determine which cause the greatest effects on the Styrofoam beads.  Let each frequency that produces a change in the location of the beads run for a few minutes until the beads have settled in one location.  Some cause no change, but many cause the beads to form patterns, spaced at even intervals.  Movement in the beads will be observed until they settle in the node, the point with the least amount of vibration or no vibration.  The observed patterns are the nodal patterns, verifying the first intent of the hypothesis.



Next, remove all the Styrofoam beads from the tube, and replace a single bead in the tube.  This solitary bead will react more readily to the sound projected into the tube than the large group of beads.  The goal with this single bead is to manipulate its movement in a controlled manner.  It is easy to use a variety of frequencies to move the bead from a close point to the sound source to a farther point.  


When trying though, to return the bead to the starting location, this setup is limited.  Although some frequencies, 659.26 Hz and 164.81 Hz for example, cause the bead to move towards the sound source, it is never enough to bring it back to the exact starting location.  This verifies in a sense the second purpose of the hypothesis, controlling an objectÕs movement with sound.  However, we do not have enough control to completely manipulate the object without more sound sources.





Results .:. Top



I saw nodal patterns at multiple frequencies, which supported the first purpose. Most looked like the pattern pictured at the right.  Though at some frequencies, the clusters were larger.

I was able to move both large groups of Styrofoam beads and singular beads from one location to the other, thus supporting the second purpose.  It was here that limitations were reached.  I could move a large cluster of beads toward the sound source when projecting a low E (146.83 Hz).  But when working with a single bead, I was unable to move it back towards the sound source more than a few inches.  However, I was able to move it indefinitely away from the sound source.


To watch the nodal patterns: physics.m4v

This is a projection of D (146.83 Hz) and E (164.81 Hz) respectively.






Conclusion .:. Top


Summary and Evaluation of Results

My hypothesis can be broken down into two purposes.  The first, to visually depict nodal patterns in a three-dimensional medium, can be partially supported by the nodal patterns I saw at multiple frequencies.  However, these patterns remained two-dimensional at the bottom of the tube.  With larger clusters, I a few beads collecting into a second later at nodal points.  Therefore I believe that with a larger concentration of Styrofoam beads, the visual depiction of the nodal points will be more three-dimensional.


The second purpose, to manipulate an objectÕs location with sound waves, was accomplished in only one direction.  Though a few frequencies, like an E of 146.83 Hz, displaced the beads in a direction towards the sound source, it was never enough to exactly control the location of the beads.  Moving away from the sound source though, I can place the beads in any desired location.  I have thus determined that objects can be manipulated with sound, but the setup to move an object in any desired direction is far more complex than my own setup, including sound sources in the opposite direction of any desired direction of movement.


Explanation of Results

The patterns formed due to the oscillation of waves.  This oscillation forms nodes and anti-nodes.  Nodes are the points of almost no vibration, and anti-nodes are the points of maximum vibration.  The Styrofoam balls are essentially pushed by the vibrations onto the nodes, thus forming the nodal patterns depicted.


I was able to move a single bead away from the sound source because the when the frequency changed, it would move from the primary nodal point to the new nodal point.  The nodal point of the new frequency that was closer was always farther away from the sound source.  It was harder to move the beads closer to the sound source because the wave was moving away from the source.  Some frequencies had more force on the beads than others.  E at multiple octaves was one of these powerful frequencies.  When changing from one frequency to an E, the closest new nodal points were always closer to the sound source.


Evaluation of Error

One of the largest errors was static electricity that formed from multiple beads rubbing against each other constantly.  I believe my most accurate results were when I tested with a solitary bead.  When all the possible beads I had available were poured into the tube and an E was played, they continued moving towards the sound source without stopping, but a solitary bead would stop at a nodal point.  This can be explained because the group tried to move towards the nodal point, which was closer to the sound source.  But once there, there were more beads farther away from the sound source pushing the front of the cluster towards the sound source.  Thus the whole group continued traveling towards the source, either pushing each other or pulling due to static electricity.

Another possible error was in the fact that the end of the tube had many holes covered with duct tape.  This could lead to irregularities in the sound waves.


Procedure Improvement

To improve the procedure, I would at least change the set up to include another equal sound source at the opposite end of a tube with both ends open to more accurately test movement.  I would try to acquire more Styrofoam beads to test with to see if a tube nearly full of beads will in fact show three-dimensional nodal patterns.  It would also be interesting to see the effects of sound waves on nodal patterns and the movement of the beads in a gravity-less environment.


Bibliography .:. Top


Asimov, Isaac. "Sound." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.


Franceschetti, Donald R. "Ernst Chladni's Researches in Acoustics." Science and Its Times. Ed. Neil Schlager and Josh Lauer. Vol. 4: 1700 to 1799. Detroit: Gale, 2000. 327-329. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.


"Sound waves." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.


"Node." Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier Online, 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2010.


Pettersson, Peter. "The Structure and Dynamics of Waves and Vibrations by Hans Jenny." - Main Menu - SHTML. Web. 27 Oct. 2010.


Links .:. Top

This wikipedia page helped me understand what cymatics is, which got me started in my research.

This is the webpage that got me most interested in cymatics and prompted me to try using a 3D medium.

This is the online tuning fork I found particularly useful for my tests.

This is the video that origionally perked my interest in Chladni Plates and the science of sound.

I was prompted to research Chladni Plates from Mr. Murray.

This source helped me learn more about Chladni himself.

This is where I further learned about Chladni Plates.


For a further understanding of the physics of sound in tubes, I used one of Mr. MurrayÕs powerpoint presentations, entitled Standing Waves.

This can be found at: