Alex, Whitney, and Holly's


Sweet Trebuchet Web Site




Table of Contents

1 - Background information

2 - Statement of Problem

3 - Review of Literature

4 - Hypothesis

5- Procedures

6 - Analysis

7 - Analysis - Potential Energy graph

8 - Analysis – Kinetic Energy and Efficiency graphs

9 - Conclusion

10 - Related Sites

11 - Bibliography

12 - Return to Research






                The trebuchet, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is a medieval catapult for hurling heavy stones or a military engine used in the Middle Ages for throwing stones, etc. It acted by means of a great weight fastened to the short arm of a lever, which, being let fall, raised the end of the long arm with great velocity, hurling stones with much force. The general make of a trebuchet consists of a tent like structure, either resting on the ground, weighted, or on wheels, with a bridge across holding an “arm” with counterweights attached to it to assist in throwing. In this simulation we will test the efficiency of the trebuchet by changing the counterweights.

Examples of a Trebuchet:

Then:  Now:                         In Use:


Statement of the Problem:


       The purpose of this investigation is to determine if how the efficiency of the trebuchet is affected as counterweight is gradually increased to it.

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Review of the Literature:


       “It worked by dropping a great weight that was attached to the short end of a long lever-arm. The long end of the lever was thereby raised with considerable velocity, pulling a sling that contained the projectile. The sling would increase the effective length of the lever arm, adding even more speed to the final projectile before the sling released it.” (MCA 1998).  In medieval time the trebuchet was “the dominant siege weapon in Europe from 850AD to 1350AD, lasting 100 years after the introduction of gunpowder” (NFO education 1999). Although many countries used the device, as the growth and popularity of the trebuchet grew more sophisticated England was the evident user of the projector. “In England it was called an Ingenium, and the technicians which worked on the weapon were Ingeniators (Engineers). Larger versions were able to throw large stones, cows or even shunned negotiators. Rotting flesh was also popular”(NFO education 1999).

        What makes the trebuchet such a great object to use as a physics research project is that, in using it, many formulas may be used to calculate several different things such as time from release to ground, acceleration, angle of trajectory, etc. The First and more common one is F=ma, which is Force is equal to the mass times the acceleration.  This equation is to find how much force is being inputted to the projectile. For the rotational time one would use F x r = Iα. “It is called angular acceleration and is measured in radians per second squared” ( Filip Radlinski 1996, 1997). I is a function of the mass yet calculating it is slightly more complicated than calculating the total mass with translation motion. The formula I=Σimiri2 . The most useful equations for this particular research papers will be the equations for velocity ( s / t = v ), potential energy ( Ep = ½mv2 ), kinetic energy ( Ek = mgΔh ), and efficiency, Efficiency = ( ½mv2 ) / (mgΔh). (Douglas Giancoli).

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           If the trebuchet’s counterweight is increased, the efficiency will increase until it reaches its peak efficiency, then efficiency will gradually decrease because, as the counterweight is increased the potential energy will increase as well while the kinetic energy remains the same. Kinetic energy will remain the same due to the consistent projectile mass thus, efficiency changes.

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Diagram of Set up:                 

To start our experiment we began by choosing the counterweights that we were going to use. We chose to use .5 kg, .8 kg, 1.2 kg, 1.6 kg, and 2.2 kg. 

Next we chose a spot on the ground where we would launch the trebuchet, calling this line the “launch line”.

 Starting from the launch line we launched the trebuchet. After the launch we recorded the time from which the pin of the trebuchet was released to the time of the projectile’s landing position. At the same instance in which someone was recording the time, someone was measuring the maximum height of the counterweight from its lowest point to its highest point of swing, and another person was marking the landing position of the projectile.


After all the data was obtained, it was recorded on a chart. This was done five times for each counterweight. Once all of the data was collected we calculated the velocity of the projectile using the formula, distance / time (s/t=V). Using the velocity, (v), we calculated the kinetic energy using the formula, ½mv2=Ek, (m) being the mass of the projectile.  Next, using the information on the counterweight’s change in height, we found the potential energy using the formula, mgΔh=Ep where (g) is the constant for gravity, 9.8, (m) being the mass of the counterweight, and Δh being the change from lowest point to highest point. The final equation that we needed to use was the formula to find the efficiency of the trebuchet which is Ek/Ep=Efficiency or (½m(s/t) 2) / (mgΔh) =Efficiency.


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        While working on the project we had problems, as does every scientist, but we managed to overcome them.  One error that most likely affected our data was the fact that we had no means of marking the exact landing position of the projectile.  We did our best and had someone as a spotter, sort of like in discus or javelin, but obviously the ball did not stop as soon as it hit the ground so we had to estimate.  Another problem that we could not explain was the fact that the angle of release of the projectile was inconsistent.  This affected the time the projectile was in the air and in some cases the distance that it traveled.  The release pin on the trebuchet is fixed so there is no reason why the angle of release should change, and our group could not understand why the projectile would release inconsistently although one idea was because the projectile would not stay it its pouch.  This definitely affected some of the data we collected.  If you look at the charts of efficiency and kinetic energy, some of the points stand out.  Trial number 11 and 7 are extreme outliers from the rest of the data because in trial 7 the ball released much earlier than most others.  On trial 11 the ball released much later than the others.  This affected the hang time of the projectile dramatically, thus affecting the velocity which is the only variable in our kinetic energy formula (the mass doesn’t change).  Another flaw in the trebuchet was that it was designed for only one specific counterweight and in order to change the mass of the counterweight we had to get creative.  We used string to tie some of the weights on and that worked fairly well but it may have affected how well the trebuchet performed and may have affected the data.


Data File



Data File


Data File


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Overall, we think that this experiment did not give us a completely clear understanding of the question we were trying to answer.  One thing we could have done that we did not do was try the experiment on more than one trebuchet or measure the angle at which the projectile was released.  This might have explained the odd data points that we got from the inconsistent release angle or it might have shown that all trebuchets are incredibly unreliable. 

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        As our data shows, the trebuchet is not only incredibly unreliable and inconsistent, but it is also massively inefficient.  Most of the work input by the counterweight is not being transferred to the projectile.  Perhaps this is why man invented guns.  Our data shows that our hypothesis was substantially off and the trebuchet’s efficiency depends on how consistent it is.  The most efficient counterweight (according to the average of the different efficiency percentages) was the 1.2 kg counterweight, which oddly enough, was the counterweight that came with the trebuchet when it was purchased. 



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Related Sites

 What's a Trebuchet?


 Principals of Motion

The Grey Company


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1. Trébuchet description

2. Trebuchet usage time and information on England’s ideal uses of it.

3. Formulas on rotational acceleration        

4. Pictures

5. Main equations for trebuchet research.

Douglas C, Giancoli. PHYSICS: Fifth edition. New Jersey: Prentic Hall Publishing, 1998.

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