Mama Rosita
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Statement of Problem |
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Background Information |
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Review of Literature |
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Hypothesis |
The purpose of this experiment is to find the relationship between the mass of an object and its horizontal velocity when it is flung from a trebuchet.
The most common use for a trebuchet today is for entertainment, from pumpkin throwing contests to human projection. The original intent of the trebuchet stems from warfare. The main purpose of heavy siege machines was to hurl missiles over the walls of cities or castles. Trebuchets employ a strong yet lightweight arm with a sling full of ammunition, with a heavy counterweight. Along with the traditional stones being tossed, they also used “beehives, small stones burned into clay balls which would explode on impact like grapeshot bullets, casks of tar and oil on fire, dead animals introducing plagues and diseases, and finally prisoners of war and spies” (Hansen, 1998). The first recorded historical reference to siege weapons occurred “in A.D. 339 when a biographer states that Dionysus I, Tyrant of Syracuse, brought together engineers from all over the Mediterranean for the purpose of developing an engine of war powered by a large bow – requiring more power than one man could muster” (Hansen). There were many devices that were created and they can be divided into three main groups: ballistas, catapults, and trebuchets. As the successor of the catapult, the trebuchet was more accurate than previous machines. The effectiveness is evident as, “the first weapons using gunpowder were introduced to the theaters of war in Europe during the 14th century but it took another 200 years before they replaced the old engines of war completely” (Hansen). There are several important background pieces of information in the areas of conservation of energy, torque, and Newton’s laws of motion. The trebuchet operates changing potential energy into kinetic energy rapidly. By using torque, the counter weight is put up in the air with the projectile attached to the side on the ground with a string and pouch. After the trebuchets arm is release, the lighter side with the “missile” will rotate up into the air and the string will come off the pin and release the projectile.
Since there are so many different variable involved with trebuchets, we limited our research to those topics that pertain directly to the effect the mass has on the velocity of the missile. This, however, encompasses a wide range of issues. Firstly, there are two values that affect the horizontal velocity of a missile launched from a trebuchet: the horizontal displacement of the object and the time it takes to travel that distance. Therefore we will need to use the conservation of energy theorem, which states that the initial energy will equal the final energy. The kinetic energy of the missile at the point of release can be calculated from the initial potential energy of the counterweight, taking friction into account (Motz and Weaver, 1989). Another useful piece of information, pointed out by Gardner (1990), is that the ratio of force to acceleration measures the mass of an object. He also points out that since all masses accelerate down at a constant rate (due to gravity), the gravitational force on an object is proportional to its mass. Getting more specific, Miners (2004) points out on his website about trebuchets that since a heavier tends to pull the loop of the sling off of the pin sooner than a light projectile does, the heavier projectile will have a more arched flight than a lighter projectile if the same pin angle is used. On another website Radlinski (1996) lists the mass of the counterweight, the length of the counterweight arm, the length of the projectile arm, the starting angle, the angular acceleration, and the angular speed as other variable besides the mass that affect the performance of trebuchets. We will have to ensure that these remain constant throughout our experiment to secure valid results.
We believe that graphically (with mass as the independent variable and velocity as the dependent variable) our results will resemble a bell curve, with the extremely heavy and the extremely light missiles traveling the shortest distances. We will strive to find a medium in which the missile will travel the furthest. Mass is defined as the measure of the missile’s inertia. We are calculating the velocity of the missiles using their horizontal displacement and the time it takes them to hit the ground from the point of release.
The trebuchet consists of six major components: the frame, counterweight, beam, sling, guide chute and pin. The frame provides support for the other components and a raised platform to drop the counter weight. First, the arm must be pulled down so the counterweight is high in the air. Then the missile is placed in the sling, which is placed in the trough. The arm is then released which sets the trebuchet in motion. The counter weight is pulled by gravity around the point of rotation so the beam rotates. The string attached to the beam pulls the sling, using the trough to guide it. The sling accelerates and holds the projectile until the string releases from the pin. More specifically, one end of the sling is attached to the end of the beam and the other end with a loop is slipped over the release pin. As the beam rotates, it pulls the sling down the chute, and then pulls it in an arc up in the air. The string accelerates faster than the beam because it creates an arc several feet longer than the beam and must go faster to keep up. The sling continues to accelerate through the arc and swings in front of the release pin causing the loop to fall off and the projectile to release.
For our experiment we will launch ten Pringles cans of different masses. The objects we launch must be the same size and shape, since surface area can affect velocity. In order to do this, we will fill each Pringles can with different materials and wrap them in duct tape so they don’t break. The lightest ones will be filled mostly with Styrofoam and cushioned with sand, while the heavier one will be a combination of heavier objects and sand. It is important that the objects in the cans are balanced and the can is filled completely so that the contents don’t shift during the flight and affect the velocity.
One key thing that must be taken into consideration is the consistency of the launch position. Since the mass of the objects affects its release time, the launch angle must be changed with each mass so the missile releases at the same spot.
In order to find the velocity of the launch, we will measure the mass of each can using a scale. We will then launch each can ten different times, using a stopwatch to determine the time it takes the missile to strike the ground from the time it leaves the pouch of the trebuchet. We will then measure the distance the missile traveled from its release point, and use these variables to calculate the velocity of each missile.
“s” in horizontal displacement in meters
“t” is time elapsed (in seconds) from release to when missile hits the ground
Boris (37grams)
Never left pouch
Hester (142.1 grams)
The Blue Avenger (201.8 grams)
Audrey (383.1 grams)
Heffalump (411.1 grams)
Creon (515.5 grams)
Polonius (606 grams)
King Triton (730.7
Rocco (801.3 grams)
Ophelia (919 grams)
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As the graph above shows, the distance of the missiles varied, though the majority of the missiles landed between 30 and 40 meters from the trebuchet. We used these distances and their corresponding times to determine the velocity of each missile each time we launched it. To do this we used this formula, where v = velocity (in m/s), s = horizontal displacement (in m), t = time (in s), and g = gravitational constant (9.81 m/s/s).
v=√((s/t)˛ + (gt/2)˛)
This is the resulting graph:
We then calculated the average velocity for each missile by adding all of the velocities for each missile and dividing by ten. This is the graph for our average velocities.
Next we estimated the uncertainty by subtracting the lowest velocity from the highest velocity and dividing by two for each missile. This is our final graph which shows the average velocities along with uncertainty bars.
We can conclude that the mass of the missile slung from the trebuchet does affect its velocity. Our graphs of the velocity suggest that the velocity peaks slightly when the missile is a certain mass, and then gradually decreases, just as we hypothesized. For the trebuchet we used, the peak velocity was around 400 grams, which was one of our lighter masses. It makes sense that objects that are relatively light can travel faster than extremely heavy objects. Unfortunately, we were unable to find any really heavy objects that would fit in a Pringles can, so our graph isn’t as complete as it could be.
There are many different factors involved that affect the velocity of the missiles, and, although we tried to stabilize as many of these variables as we could, there were some variables that we could not completely control, which affected the outcome of our experiment.
One of the variables that affected the velocity the most was the angle of the pin that the pouch was released from. The pouch should be released with the arm in the same position each time. Since the mass of the missile affects the release position, we had to change the pin angle for each mass. While we tried to ensure that the pouch was released when the trebuchet’s arm was almost perpendicular to the ground, we couldn’t measure exactly when it was releasing, so there may have been a discrepancy there.
Also, the position of the pouch holding the missile affected its velocity. Sometimes the missile was placed in the pouch in such a way that it was released with a bit of a spin. Since this created torque within the missile, its flight was affected. We tried to overcome this problem by placing each missile in the pouch in the same position, but, since it was difficult to be exact, there were still some flights that were affected by the missiles torque.
There was also the problem of wind, which is nearly impossible to eliminate, short of performing our experiment in a vacuum, which wasn’t an available resource. This factor affected the lighter missiles the most, and may account for some of the irregularities in our data. We tried to wait until the wind had died down to test our lightest missiles wind is difficult to predict so it was a factor when we released most of our missiles.
We also had some problems collecting the data accurately. For example, our method of timing the missile (one of us had a stopwatch and pressed start when we saw the missile leave the trebuchet, and stop when we saw it hit the ground) wasn’t very accurate. Without using a special electronic timing system, we could have made our experiment slightly more precise by having more than one timer. However, we didn’t have enough people to do this, as one person had to release the trebuchet. Another way we could have improved the timing method would be to have somebody videotape each shot, as use the timer of the video-camera. However, we didn’t have enough people for this either, and there wasn’t a convenient vantage point to videotape from. So, we took this problem into account when we analyze our data.
Videotaping, had it been possible, would also have helped us determine the location of the landings of the few missiles that we couldn’t find an exact location for. However, this would have limited the use of our forensic skills in deciding where the missiles landed. We were able to find divots for most of the missiles, and skid marks for most of the others. When we couldn’t determine which skid mark or divot it made (which was rare, as we marked each of the divots with either a flag or sand so we knew that its an old one), we tried to calculate its landing spot from where the can ended up, and what we could remember of how we saw it bounce or roll.
We would like to thank numerous people who helped us tremendously with our project. First we would like to acknowledge Ryan Kumler, the initial builder of this trebuchet. We would also like to thank Mr. Murray for helping us transport and assemble the trebuchet without serious mishap and for loaning us countless tools and pieces of advice. Kate and Maggie Alexander deserve to be thanked for waiting after school for a couple hours waiting for their older sister. Also thank you Kate for helping pack the Pringles cans. Thanks to the two helpful Home Depot salespeople and the three helpful Fred Meyer employees. Thanks to Nicholas Loftin for fetching the scissors for us. A warm thanks for the little league people for having the school open on a freezing Saturday so we had a nice place to eat (and go to the bathroom). Finally, thank you to Chelsey’s mom, who brought us warm food and drinks when we really needed them.
Gardner, Robert.
Famous Experiments You Can Do.
New York: Franklin Watts, 1990.
Hansen, Peter V.
“War Engines of the Middle Ages.”
Middelaldercentret 1998.
Miners, Russell. “How Do Trebuchets Work?.” The Grey Company Trebuchet Page.
2004 <>
Motz, Lloyd and Jefferson Hane Weaver. The Story of Physics. New York: Plenum
Press, 1989.
Radlinski, Filip. “The Physics of the Trebuchet.” 1996.
![]() | A website "dedicated to the art of hurling" |
![]() | This website provides an educational history of the trebuchet. |
![]() | The mathematics and physics behind the trebuchet (in notation that can be difficult for the disoriented to comprehend). |