Whatson Spring Final | Go up

8 pages, do 2 of the first 4, 2 of the last 4:


Do 2 of these 4:

Page 1 - Linear kinematics - suvat
        Like: 2:49

Page 2 - Projectile motion - suvat H and suvat V
        Like: 3:24,27

Page 3 - Dynamics - F = ma
        Like: 4:7

Page 4 - Work and energy
        Like: 6:31, Energy:3, 5


Do 2 of these 4:

Page 5 - Momentum p - mv
        Like: 7:6,10

Page 6 - Gravity and circular motion
        Like: Orbit and gravity:7

Page 7 - Waves
        Like: 11:34,35,51,55 (draw standing waves), 12:51

Page 8 - Thermal
        Like: 13:31, 14:9,23, AP#2, 15:17,19