Exercise 5B               | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | back to g solutions | physics home|


By: Ryan Carpenter




EK = .5mv^2


1)       Calculate the speed of an 8.0E 4 kg airliner with a kinetic energy of 1.1E9 J 


            EK = .5mv^2

            1.1E9 = .5 (8.0E4)v^2

            1.1E9/(.5 (8.0E4)) = v^2

            (1.1E9/(.5 (8.0E4)))^.5 = v

            v = 165.8312395

            v = 170 m/s      TOP


2)       What is the speed of a 0.145 kg baseball if its kinetic energy is 109 J?


             EK = .5mv^2

            109 = .5 (0.145)v^2

            109/(.5 (0.145)) = v^2

            (109/(.5 (0.145)))^.5 = v

            v = 38.77432496

            v = 38.8 m/s     TOP


3)       Two bullets have masses of 3.0 g and 6.0 g respectively.  Both are fired with a speed of 40.0 m/s.  (a) Which bullet has more kinetic energy? (b) what is the ratio of their kinetic energies?


 Bullet 1

                        EK = .5mv^2

                        EK = .5(.03)(40)^2

                        EK = 24 j

 Bullet 2

                        EK = .5mv^2

                        EK = .5(.06)(40)^2

                        EK = 48 j

            Thus bullet 2 has a greater kinetic energy with a ration of  48:24 or 2:1.              TOP


4)      Two 3.0 g bullets are fired with speeds of 40.0 m/s and 80.0 m/s, respectively.  (a) What is their kinetic energies? (b) Which bullet has more kinetic energy? (c) What is the ration of their kinetic energies?


  Bullet 1

                        EK = .5mv^2

                        EK = .5(.03)(40)^2

                        EK = 24 j

 Bullet 2

                        EK = .5mv^2

                        EK = .5(.03)(80)^2

                        EK = 96 j


            Bullet 2 has a greater kinetic energy, with ratio of 96:24 or 4:1   TOP


5)      A car has a kinetic energy of 4.32E5 J when traveling at the speed of 23 m/s.  What is its mass?


            EK = .5mv^2

            4.32E5 =  .5m(23)^2

            4.32E5/.5(23)^2 = m

            m = 1633.270321

            m = 1600 kg    TOP