Statement of the Problem:


The question which must be asked, however, is how efficient is the trebuchet? If we can find the efficiency of one of these types of trebuchets, maybe by extension we can know the efficiency of the other types of trebuchets. Not perfectly of course, but knowing where on the continuum our specimen lies, we can predict the general idea of where the other trebuchet types are. The type of trebuchet that best fits within the scope of this project is one with a hinged weight but no wheels. This type of trebuchet fits best because it stays true to the original intention of the trebuchet, being based on a combination of a pulley and a sling, and yet is less expensive to create than the others. Another question to ask is how changing parts of the trebuchet affects its efficiency. If we only find the efficiency of the trebuchet in one configuration, we may never know the full potential, and then we can never know how to place the other trebuchets.


In order to find the efficiency of the trebuchet, we need to find the ratio of the energy that is transferred to the ball from the counterweight. To do this, we need to know the velocity of the ball. To find the velocity of the ball, we need to know the range of the ball and the time the ball spent in the air. In order to find how different configurations of the trebuchet affect the efficiency, we need to actually change the trebuchet. The variable chosen for testing are the mass of the counterweight and the length of the beam. Testing the entire length of the arm, however, means nothing without stating where the pivot point of the trebuchet is. For this reason, the variable referred to hereafter as arm length is understood to mean the length of the arm from the throwing end to the pivot point. The rest of the beam is kept at a constant length.




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