
There are, quite obviously, many errors inherent in this study, the greatest of which is human error. As I am not a master carpenter, the trebuchet was not constructed exactly to specifications. The hinges were somewhat uneven, which meant that the trebuchet did not fire in exactly the same way each time. As always, it is impossible to start and stop the timer at the exact time, and the measurement of where the ball landed may have been off because the position was sighted instead of marked. The sandbags may not have been filled with exactly 2.5 lbs. The trebuchet was stored outside between launchings, and although it was never launched in inclement weather, there was rain during the interim. This could have warped the structure and reduced structural integrity in other ways. There are a myriad of other ways that the integrity of the data could be compromised, but, for the most part, the experiment was kept as controlled as possible.




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