Comparison and Data Differences

As we compare the graphs we find that they are not the same. Therefore we can conclude that based on the information here that the force of air friction is not directly dependent on the velocity of an object. It may be dependent on it but there something may be something else or it may not depend on it at all. The results show that the predicted velocities were higher than that of what actually happened, meaning something else is slowing it down.

This experiment had a lot of uncertainties, however not enough to make these results prove my hypothesis. Some of the errors that could have occurred would have been that the cards weren’t taped to the bike tire, the tire didn’t spin 100% freely, the glue may not have held as tightly as I wanted, or even the motion detector may not have received accurate readings. There are a lot of different places for error, but the results would still say that my hypothesis is wrong, that there is in-fact something else that the force of air friction depends on.

I believe that the air friction of an object is directly proportional to the velocity, meaning if the speed or velocity of the object increases by a certain proportion, so will the air friction increase at the same proportion. My belief, by the experiment done, has been proven wrong. There is something else that the air friction depends on besides the velocity. My graphs and results show that the predicted velocities from the constant that I calculated were much higher than the actual velocities, which give me reason to believe there is something else that needs to be added into this. I still believe that the air friction depends on the velocity but not directly. There are many things that it could be. If I were to take a guess, I would guess that the object that catches the air would be important. I f there were less cards on the tire, or more cards on the tire, it would have made a difference. That is just one of many different things that could be added to this to figure out what else the force of air friction depends on. My hypothesis was wrong, but I still believe that the force of air friction depends on the velocity, however, based upon my experiment, I must conclude that it isn’t directly proportional.

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