IB Extended Essay...
A Study on the Effects, Variance, and Correlation of Data Obtained From the Off-Center Strikes of a Golf Ball on a Club
By: Kyle Peyton
Object A, in motion, crashes squarely into object B, stationary. As a result of this collision, object B will be set in motion on a set path. Assuming both objects are resting on the level ground, object B will be set on a straight path, leading away from object A. This is a fairly easy concept to understand. However, if object B is not struck squarely by object A, what will be the subsequent results of the collision? Lets assume that object A is a golf putter, and that object B is a golf ball. If the putter is swung directly back and directly forward from the ball, striking it directly in the middle of the club face, the ball should take off in a line perpendicular to the club face. But if the ball is not struck directly in the center of the club face, deviating up to ½ from the center, what path will the ball take on? Will it shorten the length of the putt, extend the length of the putt, make the putt veer right, or make the putt veer left? Each of these circumstances will be investigated in this paper and hopefully a conclusion can be made about the consequences of an off-center putt.
Weighting is an important part of this experiment. Not all putters are designed the same. Some are designed with the shaft connecting to the club head at the heel, and some at in the center. Most putters have the shaft connected with the heel of the club head, so that is the style that will be used. The more meaningful aspect of this test is the distribution of the weight throughout the putter head. A putter that carries most of its weight at the ends will strike the ball more solidly and not rotate wildly on off-center putts, because its moment of inertia is larger. Many putter manufacturing companies have realized this, such as Carbite Golf. Carbite Polar Balanced Putters have moved 90% of the effective putter-head weight to the toe and heel (Carbite). Makers of Carbite putters tell us that this technology reduces club head rotation at impact, even on off-center hits, meaning that your putter stays square at impact and that more of your puts stay online. The picture below is of a demonstration performed by Carbite in an attempt to show that a Carbite putter (left) will twist less when struck on the toe than a Titleist putter (right).
A putter containing most of its weight at the center of the club head will rotate more easily, since its moment of inertia is much smaller. This factor alone contributes to much of the twisting involved in miss-hit putts. In addition to weight distribution, overall weight is also a huge factor in determining the severity of off-center putts. A putter which weighs quite a bit will not rotate much when it strikes a golf ball on the heel or toe, whether or not the weight of the putter is concentrated on the toe and heel.
Dwell time is also another significant factor in determining the accuracy of a putt. Dwell time is simply the amount of time a golf ball remains in contact with the surface of the putter (Fisher). The longer the dwell time, the straighter and more consistent the putt should be. A putter with a softer face should have a longer dwell time and a putter with a more solid face should have a shorter dwell time. It is preferable to have a putter with a softer face.
The mechanics of a putt are different for each person. Although there is thought to be an ideal form for putting, each player develops their own personal technique and attempts to master it. But although techniques may vary, no player always strikes the ball with the center of the putter face. Everyone deviates from the center, whether it be toward the toe or toward the heel. When a ball is struck near the toe of a putter, the toe portion of the putter should rotate backward just slightly, causing the club to angle right a little. This fact leads me to believe and hypothesize that the ball will be projected right of the target line on toe collisions. On the contrary, when a ball is struck nearer to the heel of the club, the club head should angle to the left slightly. Therefore, I hypothesize that a ball struck on the heel of the club will produce a putt which is aimed left of the target line. Also, in reference to distance, my hypothesis is: When a golf ball is struck off-center, the resulting distance that a golf ball will travel is much less than if the ball were struck solidly in the center of the club. The energy which is put into rotating the club when the ball is struck off-center will be taken away from the kinetic energy of the ball.
The primary step in carrying out this study was to identify the goal of the experiment and to design a working setup which would be used in the experiment. The most mentally exhausting part of the study was designing a working setup which would swing a Spalding putter similar to a human swing. I did not want to design a setup that would swing the club straight back and straight forward, because that is not like a human swing. A human swing takes the club back in an upward, rotating arc. Therefore, I created a tripod which would be able to support the weight of the putter. Then, I came up with the idea of setting the putter inside a hole which was bored into a piece of wood. The wood was designed to be slid over a nail, and then later the rest of the nail would be slid into one of the legs of the tripod. Once the complete setup was assembled, I slid the putter into the hole in the wood and wrapped a rubberband around the end of it to keep it from falling out. I found out later that the rubber band provided an impressively realistic comparison to a human hand's grip.
Next, I constructed a guideline which was suspended in the air above the putter head from an object behind the setup to another object directly down the target line. This guideline served as something to measure left-right deviation from. Also, since the guideline was suspended over the putter, it didn't affect its swing at all.
In order to measure the distance that the balls traveled when hit, I had to create a measuring system. My measuring system consisted of placing small sticks at intervals of 2 inches. Then, I placed slips of paper next to the sticks every foot that noted the distance.
Now I must address the problem of bringing the putter's backswing to the exact same spot each time it was swung. A box was placed at a certain point behind the setup where if the putter were taken back, it would stop after reaching the altitude of 7 inches. Also, another box was placed parallel to the toe of the putter so that if the putter was twisted, I could line it back up perpendicular to the target.
Testing my hypothesis was quite time consuming. In order to test it I had to take 20 data points in 5 different places on the putter. Twenty swings and data points were taken for balls struck on the heel of the putter, semi-heel of the putter, center of the putter, semi-toe of the putter, and toe of the putter. The left-right deviation was measured and paired with its length. All data was recorded and then later entered into the computer.
The above chart is a plot of all data taken. Each circle represents one trial. The different colors correspond to different places on the putter face where the ball was struck.
The purpose of this study was to design and use a setup, producing data from heel and toe putts, that would fairly accurately imitate a human golf swing. Obviously, results would vary upon the type of putter being used, but a consistent set of points was collected from this Spalding putter. By studying the graph of the points, I have noticed a few trends among the different sets.
There are 5 sets of data created by hitting the ball on 5 different parts of the putter face; heel, semi-heel, center, semi-toe, and toe. For the sake of brevity I will refer to each of the sets as green, black, red, yellow, blue accordingly. The green set, being struck on the heel of the club, produced a weak set of points, lacking in length and accuracy. I've determined that this is mainly a result of a putter with a poor moment of inertia.
However, the green set's average deviation of -.688 inches is hardly comparable to the blue set's average deviation of 5.95 inches. This abnormality leads me to question why it is that these two extremes aren't equally opposite. My conclusion is that a putt struck on the heel of the club, although not in the center sweet spot of the putter, still possesses extra momentum which is gained from the shaft of the club. The shaft of the club not only serves as a mode of transportation for the head, but also as a reinforce to the heel of the head. On the contrary, the toe of the head does not have the luxury of extra reinforcement from the shaft, so it rotates more and results in a shorter and more deviate putt. This can be seen by noticing that heel putts averaged 114.113 inches in length, while toe putts averaged 111.138 inches in length.
Another interesting find concerns the relationship between the extremes (heel and toe putts) and the semi-extremes (semi-heel and semi-toe putts). The average putt for a heel strike resulted in a deviation of -.688 inches. The average putt for a semi-heel strike resulted in a deviation of -.425 inches. By simply dividing -.425 by -.688, I came up with about 62%. This number, in and of itself, means nothing. However, if compared to the percent found by dividing 3.85 (the average deviation of a semi-toe putt) by 5.95 (the average deviation of a toe putt), I got approximately 64%! These two percentages, 62% and 64% are practically the same. This correlation leads me to believe that although the two extremes (heel and toe putts) aren't directly related concerning deviation, the relationship between the extreme and it's lesser is a constant. This means that as a ball is struck closer and closer to the center of the putter, the rate at which it deviates from straight is uniform on both ends of the putter.
In addition to the previous find, I also discovered that the relationship in length of extreme putts (heel and toe) and the semi-extreme putts acts in a similar way. In order to show this I had to look at the average distance of a heel putt compared to the average distance of a semi-heel putt. The percentage came out to be approximately 88%. Similarly, the percentage attained by dividing the average length of a toe putt by the average length of a semi-toe putt comes out to be 86%. Once again, there exists a direct correlation between the decrease in length of heeled putts and the decrease in length of toed putts.
By combining the correlation of deviation with the correlation of length, I have determined that decrease in length and inaccuracy is similar on both ends of the putter. Although they may not be the same numbers, the rate at which they decrease is almost exactly the same.
All of the relationships that I found in the results, because of the inaccurate data, are just estimates. None of them can be pinpointed as being precisely right because there was such a range in the data found. For instance, the heel putts, semi-heel putts, and center putts, all seem to blur together if they are placed on the same graph. The only thing that differentiates between each of those three sets of data is the change in color which I created in the graph. The overlap between the 5 sets of data can best be seen if the graph on page 10 is observed. For example, the range in the heel putts for accuracy deviation is 3.5 inches, while the range for distance is 17.75 inches. The range for semi-heel putts is similarly 3.75 inches in deviation and 9.5 inches in distance. The huge spread of the points leads me to believe that any conclusions made about the results of the experiment can't be totally trusted or relied upon.
In addition to the correlations found in the previous part of this study, a broader and more in-depth analysis is yet to come. As can be seen in the graph of the individual trials, there exists some sort of relationship between where the ball was struck on the club face and where the ball ended up on the grid. The heel putts tended to be shorter and left of the target line, the semi-hell putts tended to be slightly further and slightly less off center to the left, the center putts were generally accurate with optimal distance, the semi- toe putts tended to veer right and come up short of the center putts, and the toe putts tended to be the furthest right, coming up short of almost all other putts. This data, when graphed, produces a sort of arc which resembles a parabolic curve.
Seeing this curve, I noticed that a function could possibly be set to match these points as accurately as possible. First, in order to eliminate any sort of problems there might be in interpreting the data, I found the average putt for each of the 5 positions where the ball was struck on the putter. These values can be seen on pages 8 and 9 at the bottom of each table. By entering these data points into a calculator and instructing it to calculate the linear regression of the 5 points, a formula was obtained. This formula takes the form: y = -2.032424x² + 9.038215x + 128.088049, where x is the deviation of the putt and y is the length of the putt. Although this formula may not represent the undebatable perfect fit to the data, it does give a very good estimation. As seen on the next page, the line fits each of the points fairly well, except for the heel putts. The heel putts tend to be less deviate and greater in length than the formula predicts. This difference in prediction and reality can be attributed to the physical reinforcement that the heel of the putter receives from the shaft of the putter. Also, since the toe of the putter does not receive support from the shaft of the club, it tends to flex more, decreasing the kinetic energy of the ball and directing it on a less accurate course. Therefore, the graph isn't a perfect parabolic curve because the shaft of the putter influences the off center putts. Although the curve of the data isn't perfectly parabolic, the line fits quite well. By using this formula, a fairly accurate prediction of a putt's length and deviation can be made for off center hits. This formula is helpful because of the capability it has to predict where a putt will end up as a result of an off center hit. However, the formula can't be used to predict the exact place where the ball will end up, because of the range in data which was used to create the formula.
There also exists a relationship between where the ball was struck on the face of the club and how far the ball deviated from straight. To begin with, it is apparent that the center putts, on the average, were almost exactly straight. So I can use the set of center putts as a control group. I also measured the distance between the points where the balls were struck on the club face and found it to be 11/16 inches. Therefore, the point furthest towards the heel of the club is 22/16 inches away from the center. The relationship between where the ball was struck on the heel of the club face and what the average deviation for heel putts is -.688/(-22/16) = .5. Then, the relationship between where the ball was struck on semi-heel of the club face and what the average deviation for heel putts is -.425/(-11/16) = .62. The significant difference between these two relationships leads me to think that the formula here, if there exists an accurate one, is not easy enough to be explained using a linear expression. So I took the data, using the distance from the center of the club head as the x coordinate and the deviation from being a center putt as the y coordinate, and once again inserted it in my calculator. Instead of asking for a linear regression, I asked for a quadratic regression, which might possibly fit the data more accurately. The formula it came up with is y = 1.05x² + 2.55x + .76. Then, since y in this formula represents the deviation of the putt and I already have another formula which predicts the distance of the putt from the deviation, I can combine the two formulas to make a larger one that predicts the distance of the putt from the distance that the ball is struck from the center of the club head. In this case, y represents the distance of the putt, and x represents the distance from the center of the club head; y = -2.240747x + 10.88363x³ - 6.96959x² + 15.16932x + 133.783. Although long, this formula will in theory predict the distance that a putt will travel according to the place on the club face where the ball is struck. In an effort to even more complicate the situation, a point can be derived for the distance and deviation of a putt, using only the distance that the ball was struck from the center of the club face. The point looks like this: (1.05x² + 2.55x + .76, - 2.240747x + 10.88363x³ - 6.96959x² + 15.16932x + 133.783), where x is the distance that the ball is struck from the center of the club face. This formula set can approximate the point where the ball will end up. However, I must restate that these formulas are extremely rough and inaccurate because of all the rounding necessary in making the calculations. Also, the approximations made by the calculator in an effort to find quadratic formulas which best fit the data has further generalized the results. The conclusions which I have come to should be dealt with in very broad terms, since the intent of this study was to prove the general trend of putts as balls were struck on different parts of the putter.
The hypothesis of this experiment was that a putt hit on the heel of a putter will deviate left and be shorter than a center putt, and a putt hit on the toe of the putter will deviate right and be shorter than a center putt. Not only has this hypothesis been proven accurate, according to this experiment, but the situation has been explained in greater detail than initially intended. The conclusions of this study have suggested a formula which can predict not only the deviation of the putt after the ball is struck, but also the length of the putt by using only the position on the putter face where the ball is placed. This study will provide a reference for future, more accurate, and precise studies to work off of.
Collisions. Eric W. Weisstein and Wolfram Research Inc [online]. 1999-2000 [sited 10/24/2000]. Available from World Wide Web: <URL: http://www.treasure-troves.com/physics/collision.htm>
This website has pictures of what off-center putts look like, how they affect the motion of the putter, and how far the ball deviates.
Dwell Time. Fisher Golf Inc [online]. 1998 [sited 10/24/2000]. Available from World Wide Web: <URL: http://www.fishergolf.com>
This website discusses certain concepts relevant to the project.
Giancoli, Douglas C. Physics 3rd Edition. 1991. Prentice-Hall. New Jersey.
Putter Comparisons. Dandy Golf Company [online]. 2000 [sited 10/24/2000]. Available from the World Wide Web: <URL: http://www.dandygolf.com/indexflash.htm>
- This website compares the Dandy Putter to other leading brands in off-center hits. It has available downloads for realtime video.
Putter Testing. Golf Club Review.com [online]. 1999-2000 [sited 10/24/2000]. Available from World Wide Web: <URL: http://www.golfclubreview.com/putting.htm>
- This website overviews several different tactics in testing the accuracy of a putter. It suggests different test which can be done.
The Most Accurate and Forgiving Putters in Golf. Carbite Golf [online]. 1999 [sited \tab 10/24/2000]. Available from World Wide Web: <URL: http://www.carbite.net>
- This website, although primarily a source of advertisement, shows some educational elements within the text. There are some key concepts of putter weighting which are addressed in the article.