Height of Drop verses the Distance of the Splash: Introduction | Purpose | Methodology | Variables | Results & Analysis | Conclusion | External Links | Return to Research



Derek Pinto

Tualatin High School


Henry Foster

Tualatin High School


Background Information

In the past of study hydrodynamics, scientists have discovered certain characteristics that give water its unique properties. One such study was conducted to determine if water, in a spherical droplet form, would slide or roll across wax paper. The outcome- which was that water rolls if allowed to- opened the idea that water can display characteristics like that of a solid because of its surface tension. It is this property of water that affects the way it behaves on surfaces and while suspended in the air. Two areas where a water drop experiment would be affected by this characteristic. As water contacts a surface with a certain speed and mass, the only other variable that changes how it breaks apart from impact and distributes is its surface tension.



Real-Life example

A real-life situation is which a logistic model helps us improve with more precision and accuracy is strength training. Each person has their inert strength that is established from genetics, for example the average man can bench press 135 lbs. That individual can increase their potential by Bench pressing more and more. Over time their capacity will grow at an increasing rate because their muscles have a great amount potential to develop. Only, a human being can only create so much force, which means that as their potential reaches its max, so will the amount that the subject can lift. Obviously a man can’t lift infinite pounds, such as the near exponential growth at the beginning of their training suggests. As they reach their maximum, a principle known as diminishing returns becomes prevalent; one has to work harder to develop the same amount of increase in force than they did at lower poundage.


Logistic Characteristics

The strength building problem is an example of the logistic model, specifically logistic growth. Logistic growth is a sort of “fusion” between two types of growths. The first half of the function has exponential growth, where the data starts relatively low and slowly concaves upward until it is growing towards infinity, but the second half of the logistic model is where the trend inflects and concaves downward as it still grows, known as bounded exponential growth. The points in the bounded exponential growth grow closer and closer to a horizontal limit above the data. One might think of it as a ceiling that it will touch only once it reaches maximum potential. These two growths combine to form our model for water’s velocity compared to its force on impact.


Purpose of experiment

In this experiment, my partner and I will consider the logistic trend of velocity in its translation to force in a drop of water. Before this experiment, we assumed that there would be a horizontal limit that the drops could reach at terminal velocity, where no matter how far we drop it from, the velocity will reach the same speed thus creating the same amount of force. We would focus on the maximum distance travelled by the water particles because that tells us how far it’s possible for the water to travel. In order to create a more accurate field of data, we will collect four clear data points in each trial, using maximums found in each cardinal direction.


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Water properties

Drops of water have two primary elements in physics. The first is adhesion or its ability to stick to another surface, and the second one which will more directly affect this experiment: cohesion. This characteristic affects how well the particles of the drop will be able to stick to one another. The cohesion combined with an outside force creates surface tension, which is the water’s ability to “stick” together when force is being applied to its surface. Water at about 20oC has 72.8 dyne/cm or 7.28x10-4 N/cm. This is relevant to the investigation because in order to cause the water to splatter it needs to have enough force to break that and propel the particles away from each other.


Setup and Preliminary Work


There were a variety of different ways to drop the water onto the paper. The first way was to use a pipette. It would be good to drop a single drop of water onto the paper, but we later realized we wanted to drop multiple drops onto the same target. This took us to the burette. The burette would be able to drop similar sized drops at a constant rate. The burette would also be able to be attached to a stand so that it can drop the multiple drops on the same exact place.


Stand and Drop Height:

Some sort of stand was required to attach the burette to hold it in place. We used supplies that we already had to assemble a stable stand. It couldn’t be too tall because then after touching it, the stand will keep swaying for too long which could have tainted our data. So with the burette attached to the stand, the water could only have been dropped from a max height of 93cm. With that said, we decided to test the drop at a height of 90cm, 80cm, 70cm, 60cm, and 50cm.


Particle distance travelled:         

At the beginning of each trial, we established a centre by dropping one drop onto the printer paper. After that we placed the elevated surface on that point and circled around it in pen. After completing the next ten drops onto the paper, we would use a meter stick to measure the 4 maximums on the paper.


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Experiment Design

            The purpose of this investigation is to study how the height of a raindrop affects the distance that the water splatters after impact. We do three trials at 5 different heights. The water is dropped onto a small lifted platform [in this case a small bottle cap (height: .9cm diameter: 3cm)]. The water would drip onto the cap and splash onto printer paper, which made it be easier to see where the water landed. To eliminate some error, we would measure the furthest distance from the center of the impact point from different directions and average them and record the data.




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Experimental Variables

The independent variable is the height at which the water is dropped at for 3 trials, and then the height is raised each time by 10cm. Another independent variable is the rate at which the drops of water are falling. This variable is not measured and therefore varied each time. While no effect on the experiment by this variable was noticed it still wasn’t controlled each time.


            The dependent variable is the distance that the water particle travels after hitting the cap. This variable is changed because we have a target to hit, and it is impossible to manually hit the target in the same spot of 150 drops in a row.


            The controlled variables include the Burette which is used each time in this experiment, the size of each water drop, and the cap at which the drop is initially hitting.




            We assume that our graph will follow a logistic growth model. This is because when the water gets dropped at a low height, the splatter distance will only increase at an exponential rate. Eventually, the water will start getting dropped higher and higher and eventually reach terminal velocity, which will decrease the slope on the graph.

            In our calculations, we assume that there is no air friction from when the water leaves the burette to when in lands on the printer paper. It is also assumed that all of the drops are the exact same size and weight and all of the drops are dropped at the same rate.

            An assumption in our equation and model is that all particles that travel from the drop site are equal to each other. That is to say that each part of the drop is 1/x of the original drop. We know this is isn’t completely accurate because nature tends toward entropy and increasing the impact force will in turn increase the entropy of the form of water particles.


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Data & explanation

The average of each trial was calculated by: ((d1 + d2 + d3 + d4)/4) = dx


FIGURE 1: This table of the raw shows the height at which ten drops fell from, which trial was being recorded, and the four maximums of each trial. The rightmost column is the most important as it shows the average maximum distance covered by the drops which will help us create a model and illustrate the model of water falling.




Drop 1

Drop 2

Drop 3

Drop 4











































































































Data file: text .:. Excel

Graph & explanation


Data file: text .:. Excel



            In the graph above, the data in all three trials are shown. They all follow the same trend which shows how they all are somewhat accurate. The graph shows that as the height from where the water drops increases, the distance of the splash increases as well, but at an exponential rate.

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·         e = 2.72

·         x0 = terminal velocity

·         L = the curve's maximum value

·         k = the steepness of the curve


In order to find k we must first know the maximum distance travelled possible, which can be found using an equation that relates terminal velocity to distance. To find that distance we have to convert how much force the velocity exerts on the water drop and how that affects it to “split into particles” which will allow us to calculate the horizontal and vertical velocities that the particles have after bouncing off the ground.


Analysis of Data

            Our experiment shows that as the height of the drop increases, the splash distance also increases at an increasing rate. At first glance it looks like our graph is only increasing exponentially because we never reached terminal velocity. If we were able to keep raising the height and be able to have it high enough for the drop to reach terminal velocity, then our graph would look similar to logistic growth.



Our uncertainty calculated was by taking the average of the range of maximums collected in each trial, i.e. (d1 - d2)/2.

Our uncertainties correlated well with the data for two reasons. The first is that as we dropped the water from greater heights, there was more error for the same amount of precision at a lower height. An example would be the resonance of the stand through the burette, which is amplified by the longer it is. This is confirmed by the uncertainties being larger as the heights increased.

The second reason our uncertainties were consistent with our model is that with a greater height, there will be a greater maximum distance possible. This means that on a scale there are more possible points to be possible. Imagine there are two sets of numbers, [0,50] and [0,100]. The second set has a greater maximum and a greater amount of points than the first. That is the same situation as the data collected in our experiment.


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The Logistic Model. The experiments results yield a promising trend of the logistic model. The horizontal start of the graph correlates with the slope of distance equal to velocity which is equal to the model at2+bt+c. The end behavior of the model also conforms to the theory that as the water drops approach terminal velocity, the distance the particles travel will reach their limit as well.


Results. Results would not be as achievable without the burette. Its functionality to dispense a series of drops in the same location were ideal for this experiment. The results that were found indicate that the relationship between velocity of water falling and

the kinetic energy that break apart and propel the water particles away from the centre point is complex and changes depending on the extremes of the variables.


Limitations. A limitation in this experiment is that the stand for the burette was too short which prevented us from reaching terminal velocity. Another limitation is that after touching the burette to drop the water, the stand would sometimes shake and would slightly skew our data. We tried to prevent this from happening by holding a bowl under the burette to catch all the water until the shaking would die down. Most of the time the shaking would stop and there was no problem, but sometimes it would still be relevant and it could have slightly skewed our data.

An important improvement to this design would be to limit all precision error by having a fixed dispenser and centre point with a flat surface for the water to impact. This would cause a more even and well spread data field. It can be pointed out that eliminating these errors may change the model of our data significantly.

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 External links

http://www.appstate.edu/~goodmanjm/rcoe/asuscienceed/background/waterdrops/waterdrops.html - Background on properties of water, focuses on: cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension

https://www.zmescience.com/science/news-science/why-water-drop-splash/ - Reasons and discoveries as to why drops splash in a specific pattern

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvSr8IeAg4Q – Video of water droplet impacting hard surface in slow motion

http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/1520-0469(1949)006%3C0243%3ATTVOFF%3E2.0.CO%3B2 – Report on water droplets terminal velocity of fall

https://water.usgs.gov/edu/raindropshape.html - Shape of a raindrop vs. assumptions and why they are not true