Tualatin IB Physics Research Symposium January 2005 - Tuesday






Chris Hamilton and Chelsea Beebe



Champagne Flute Frequencies: A study of Density’s effect on Frequency

Lisa Jacobson



Dust in the Wind

Heather Jacobson



A Study of Sound Retention in the Tualatin High School Auditorium

Kathryn McIvor and Jaclyn Thiessen



Ballistic Pendulum Investigation

Angela Buck and Lindsey Pierce



Gun of Doom that Kills Samurai (or at least wounds them)

Hayden Ausland and Ken Morrill















(There will be a 10 minute intermission)


Guns, Flowers and Pretty Butterflies

Xavier Champagne, Kevin Fogarty and Eddie Scheckmann



Shootin’ Up With Ethanol

Nicholas Loftin



The Flight Of Polonius

Becky Alexander and Chelsey Bowman



Creating an Isolated Droplet in Zero Gravity

Adam Furman, Andrew Bonica, Becky Entler and Tim McNaught



Effects of Temperature on Evaporation

Tony Cintron



Design of a Gauss Rifle

Andrey Goncharenko