Frequency (HZ) Frequency of Strobe Light (HZ) Shape 28 1680 vertical sine wave going up 28 1084 (increased amplitude) making a double helix going down 28 1638 shape freezes and period of sine wave increase 47 1397 shape freezes. Making sine wave but the period is smaller. 47 9508 Making sine wave with the smaller period but it's going in reverse. 47 1397 square shaped (instead of sine). Period is small and still frozen 47 1110 Creates a double helix (really fast one). period is small. But the sine is short 27 1300 Can freeze the square into a double helix shape. The period is longer. 26 1623 "Creates square stream going in reverse.Between this and 11, turned stream of water higher for saw tooth one" 26 1671 Saw-tooth form going in reverse. 26 1029 Make sawtooth into double helix and freeze the shape 47 1318 Saw shape with a small period that's moving downwards at a pretty even pace 46 9641 same shape in reverse 26 9180 Now it's on it's side so the stream is coming out of tube and making a sine wave than an inch down from exit it becomes double helix. Stream goes in between a sine wave and a double helix. Flipped it on the side. 25 1323 Making a sine wave but the sine at the beginning the period is really long but as it falls down it gets shorter. 26 1041 Making a double helix and it's going in reverse closer to the exit of the pope the amplitude is smaller closer to the end of tube and gets larger 25 1494 sine wave smaller to bigger and as it goes down the wave becomes sharp and not circular (shape is frozen) 34 1986 sawtoothe wave small period with extremely shrp peaks and is shape frozen 34 2900 "three strands as visible near end of tube, really short period to look like a sine and cosine wave going simultaneously"