
On a physical level, sound is a longitudinal pressure wave issued from any sort of vibrating object, such as our vocal chords, a jackhammer, or a musical instrument. These waves travel through solids, liquids, or gasses, and move in a manner comparable to a toy slinky. Because of the motion of these waves as they move through a given medium, the particles of the medium become compressed in certain regions and less concentrated in other regions. These different regions of particles are referred to as compressions and rarefactions and can be represented in the form of a sinusoidal wave in which time is the independent variable and pressure is the dependent variable, as in Figure 1. (Henderson, 2004).           


Figure 1-Sound as a pressure vs. time graph: sine waveform

The human perception of sound is vital in that I allows us to navigate, detect sources of danger, and even communicate. As the pressure of sound waves filters through the physiology of our ears, it then interpreted by the psychology of our brains. The fundamental properties of sound perceived by humans are intensity (volume) and frequency (pitch). Intensity refers to the amount of energy within the wave and can be measured in decibels (dB), and frequency refers to how often the particles of a certain medium (such as air) are vibrating due to a sound wave, which determines how low or high a sound is (Giancoli, 1991). Together, pitch and volume allow human beings to determine the origin and closeness of sounds. Sometimes, however, we encounter difficulties establishing the true source of a sound (that is, we cannot localize the sound). On a

practical level, this inability can confuse and even endanger us. Musically, though, it is sometimes favored when the source of an instrument or voice cannot be detected, such as when performing in a mixed ensemble, or when the objective of a musical piece is to create a more ethereal feel.


Another characteristic of sound is “timbre,” or the color and quality of a sound. Even if two different instruments (or two different voices) are producing a sound of the same pitch and volume, there is usually a discernable, subjective difference in the sound; this is because each instrument and voice possesses a unique timbre, which is influenced largely by the presence of harmonics and overtones (Winckell, 1967). A pure tone—or sound containing one single frequency, such as one produced by a tuning fork—contains no harmonics and resembles a perfect sine wave. But when an instrument strikes a note or an individual sings a note, even though only one pitch may be perceived, multiple frequencies at quieter volumes are actually being emitted. These other frequencies are higher than the fundamental (which is the lowest frequency) and are called overtones (Giancoli). The frequencies of the overtones and fundamental are all summed to create a composite waveform that resembles a “bumpier” version of a sine wave. The different array of overtones—unique to each instrument—creates different timbres (Giancoli). Harmonics resemble overtones, but are instead specific integral multiples of the fundamental frequency. When creating sound electronically, these harmonics can be manually manipulated to create distinctive waveforms, each with unique timbres.                  


One such waveform is known as a saw tooth wave (Figure 2) and possesses every integer harmonic of the fundamental frequency. The amplitude (volume) of each harmonic of this wave equals the inverse of its harmonic (for example, if the fundamental has an amplitude equal to 1, the  amplitude of the third harmonic will equal 1/3). This array of harmonics gives the waveform a rich yet “buzzy” timbre (Sievers).  Figure 3 illustrates a saw tooth wave’s spectrum with a fundamental of 100 Hz .


                                                               Figure 2-Sawtooth Waveform                                                                 

Figure 4- Square Waveform




Figure 3- Frequencies and Amplitudes of a Saw tooth Wave                   


Figure 5-Frequnecies and Amplitudes of a Square Wave


Yet another type of waveform is called a square wave (Figure 4). They possess only the odd numbered harmonics of the fundamental, but like the saw tooth wave, also have an amplitude equal to the inverse of any given harmonic. Sounds that result in a square wave also produce a rich sound, but it is less “buzzy” than a saw tooth wave and less pure than a regular sine wave (Sievers). Figure 5 demonstrates sound spectrum of a note with a fundamental of 100 Hz that would result in a square wave.


Statement of the Problem:

The purpose of our investigation is to determine the relationship between the timbre of a tone and the ability to localize the sound. Timbre will be manipulated by changing the waveform of the pitch from a sine wave (pure tone), to square wave (containing odd multiple harmonics), and lastly, to a saw tooth wave (containing all integral multiple harmonics). A listener’s ability to localize the sound will be determined by how many degrees the listeners are off from identifying the true source of the sound.

Review of Related Literature:

More than 120 years ago, John William Strutt, or Lord Rayleigh, made some progress in sound localization by observing sounds that were sourced to the right of the listener’s forward direction.  In this case, the left ear is in the “shadow” made by the head, so the sound from the right is more intense than on the left, making it possible to distinguish that the location of the source of the sound is to the right (Hartmann). By tilting their head to the left and right in a similar fashion, the subjects of our experiment should be able to determine the source of the sound. Factors that may affect their ability to localize the sound include loudness, pitch, timbre, and tone (Wightman, 1996).  In our investigation, we will be keeping the loudness, duration, pitch, and tone constant, while a manipulation of the waveform will change the timbre of the sound.

As timbre in itself is subjective, little research has been conducted on the direct correlation between the color of a sound and the ability to localize it. However, researchers have found that the more information given by a sound, the more accurately a listener can determine the sound’s origin. For instance, a complex tone with strong harmonics will allow our ears to simultaneously determine the size of the head shadow effect at the fundamental and at each harmonic (Moore). It can thus be concluded that sounds with more harmonic content—in other words, sounds with a “richer” and “buzzier” timbre—will be localized with greater precision than those with little to no harmonic content, such as pure tones.



We believe that a listener’s accuracy in locating the direction of a sound’s source will increase as timbre of the sound becomes richer. That is, the saw tooth waveform will be localized the most accurately, the square waveform the second most accurately, and the sine waveform, the least accurately. This is due to the fact that the more harmonic content there is within a sound, the more accurately an individual should be able to locate the origin of the sound. The timbre of the tone will be the independent variable, which we will manipulate by changing a tone from a sine wave, to a saw tooth wave, to a square wave. The ability to localize these manipulated sounds is defined as the direction the listener determines the sound to be originating from—specifically, the degree of the angle this determination is from the actual source of the sound.