20 - Introduction 1 - Intro Para 10 - Background 5 - Statement 3 - Variables 1 - Hypothesis/Why Any sources cited are included in your bibliography. 20-Method/Procedure 2 - Data Collection 1 - Safety/Ethics 5 - Diagram 3 - Manipulate IV 3 - Measure your dependent variable. 3 - Controls 2 - Var and Trials 1 - Why those 30-Results/Analysis 5 - At least 10x3 Better 20x5 1 - Raw Data 5 - Name, symbol, uncertainty 2 - Same decimal place 2 - Graphs/titles/labels/units 5 - Raw Data graph with Error bars 10 - Data Processing step by step 10 - Linear: Error bars/max and min slopes or 10 - Curved: Log-Log/Linearized 30-Conclusion and Evaluation 10 - Conclusion/Explanation/Physics/Terms/Hypothesis 10 - Sources of Error 10 - Improvements/Future work You include a bibliography for any sources cited